PRI 2016: Custom Radiators, Coolers & More With C&R Racing

Over the years, we’ve met with C&R Racing at trade shows like SEMA and PRI to discuss the company’s latest offerings, and how they’ve continued to innovate cooling solutions for virtually every application available.


At this year’s PRI Show once again in Indianapolis, Indiana, we sat down with the folks at C&R Racing and discussed its latest offerings–custom radiators and coolers for just every vehicle or application.

“We have a huge selection or radiators, as well as a multitude of coolers, for different applications available today,” said Roger Rosebush of C&R Racing. “For example, we have what’s called a ‘Supercharger Brick’ that you’ll find in a lot of overhead supercharger applications. As time goes by, people find that these solutions are becoming more popular–and necessary–for the longevity of the engine and its performance.”


Roger also said that the six-cylinder market, more specifically, the EcoBoost engine market, is starting to come up very high in the performance world as well. “Added cooling is a massive benefit for turbocharged vehicles,” Roger explained. “All of the cooling necessary for these forced-induction engines can be vast, but we make a solution for anything you can think of that needs to be cooled–whether it has a part number, or it needs to be custom.”

Air-to-air and air-to-water heat exchangers of all shapes and sizes filled C&R Racing's booth. If the company doesn’t already make it, it can build a custom unit for your application.

Roger concluded by telling us that while some applications may be tricky or there isn’t a lot of support for that vehicle, him and the team at C&R Racing can accomplish just about any job you throw at them. Checkout C&R Racing’s website here for more information on custom radiator cores, coolers, and more.

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About the author

Harrison Noble

Living in San Diego for most of his life, Harrison was exposed to a variety of cars at an early age. His passion for anything that is fast, or has a V8, brought him to Power Automedia.
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