SEMA 2016: Auto Meter Competition Dash, Same Quality, New Price


The Auto Meter Competition LCD Display has been the next evolution of driver communication and data acquisition — and now it is in the price range of a larger group of users! According to Auto Meter’s Director of Marketing, Joseph Mills, “ The price has dropped nearly $2,000 as we had a manufacturing breakthrough that improved the process.”


The Auto Meter Competition Dash was designed specifically for all types of racing situations and was built to last. It has a carbon composite housing that is IP65-rated to seal against water and dust intrusion and will easily withstand 20g of continuous vibration and 50g of shock. It can be installed in just about any type of competition car.


The display has a 7-inch LCD panel that ensures easy visibility under all conditions with a retina level pixel density, unmatched brightness and an optically bonded lens for extreme glare suppression.


The view is fully configurable to the driver’s specifications. The system will accommodate four programmable data bus channels (2 CAN and 2 serial) in conjunction with a nearly limitless amount of discrete analog sensors and an integrated 3-axis accelerometer. Data collection can occur at up to 1 kHz and the internal memory allows for practically infinite recording time. User definable warnings, that alert the driver to problems or failures take advantage of super bright, multicolor LEDs placed around the perimeter of the display’s chassis. The LEDs can alert the driver to critical onscreen information.

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About the author

Tom Stahler

At eight months of age, Tom Stahler sat in a baby stroller in Thunder Valley and watched Chuck Parsons and Skip Scott win the 1968 Road America 500. He has had the car bug ever since. He has won several awards, including the Motor Press Guild’s Dean Batchelor Award and the International Motor Press Association's Gold Medal for his writing and photography. When not chasing the next story, Tom drives in vintage road racing events.
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