SEMA 2016: Fragola’s New NPT Port Plugs, Nitrous Showerheads

Fragola Performance Systems has brought out a whole host of brand new products for SEMA showgoers — 12 of them to be exact — designed to make your automotive plumbing projects simpler to set up, easier to maintain, better-looking, and longer-lasting; this includes everything from hose and hose ends, to clamps, adapters, brake fittings, and more.

Fragola’s Brent McLellan showed us around a few of these new items, beginning with their ORB Port Plugs that sport an 1/8-inch NPT port. “These are really an item of convenience,” McLellan begins, adding “these can be used anywhere that an ORB port plug is usually in place. We’ve already drilled and tapped the 1/8-inch ports and you can put a fuel pressure gauge in there if you need to, along with any of your Racepak or other data-logging sensors.”

Another of the new products is a Nitrous Showerhead, which has been machined 100 percent in-house and features a 3/8-inch NPT inlet and four 1/4-inch NPT outlets. Fragola scalloped the Showerhead (or simply a distribution block) during the machining process to make it as lightweight as possible. The unit was designed in conjunction with Steve Johnson at Induction Solutions. These can, of course, be used as vacuum, oil, or water distribution lines, as well.

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About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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