Train Horn Pranks Get Better!

Ok, so we all know what fun it can be to use our trucks to mess with people a little bit when we are out. Train horn installs are one of the best ways to make this happen without causing harm and doing too much damage. A good train horn can clear a herd of animals out of the way, make a person jump, mess with someone thinking they are going to be hit by a train, etc.

train horn

So, why not create a compilation video of train horn pranks and how they have turned out? In this lengthy video from Horn Blasters, you will see example after example of how train horns were used to have a bit of fun with the people in the video. The reactions are as funny as they are outrageous.

Now, this kind of thing may not be for everyone and we understand, so here is our disclaimer. We at Diesel Army, neither endorse nor condone this video as the right or wrong way to do things. Kids don’t try this at home.

Golf course guys

Some of the best ones are the kids who are walking and drop to the ground. One of them throws his soda across the parking lot. Then there are the girls who run for cover into the store like the world is falling around them. There’s also a random violin-playing girl with a sleeping boyfriend who comes to life with the horn. Finally, the golf course guys who not only jump but the guy on the tee throws his driver after his shot because it catches him so off guard might just be our favorite if we had to pick one.

So, what do you think…train horn pranks, good fun or unnecessary and inappropriate. Let us know your thoughts.

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About the author

Nicole Girkey

As an automotive editorial Ninja, Nicole has woven her way in and out of various aspects of the automotive print and editorial industry for over 15 years. Her recent obsession, diesel trucks, with a focus on sled pulling, keeps her in the dirt. In her off time, she is steady working on creating and molding the next generation of “car guy” with her husband and son, little Cooper.
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