SEMA 2016: Rain-X – An Invention that Could Surprise You, Again…

 3Most see Rain-X as the product that repels rain from the windshield of their cars. It’s a purely automotive product. Right? Kind of … One might be truly surprised by the original inspiration for Rain-X and its many additional uses.

According to Ron Fausnight, group technical manager, “You would think Rain-X would be invented by someone in a rainy climate. It was actually invented in the Phoenix, Arizona area, where it tends to be very hot and dry. They had problems with their wiper blades. The rubber would rot and then on the rare occasion that you need them, they would be ineffective. So people found using Rain-X was a great solution.”


That was more than 40 years ago. People still effectively use the product, no matter the climate. Since, the brand has created several more offerings including Rain-X for plastics, which works great for lexan and lucite surfaces found on race cars and helmet visors and goggle lenses; a deep cleaning clay bar glass solution, to remove bugs and tar; and anti-fog compounds for interior windows and lenses.


Ron says proudly, “People come up to me at SEMA all the time and tell me that they don’t even use their wiper blades because Rain-X is so effective.” There is also Rain-X for the home. There is a shower door water repellant and a mirror anti-fog compound.

And even after all these years, they even make wiper blades.

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About the author

Tom Stahler

At eight months of age, Tom Stahler sat in a baby stroller in Thunder Valley and watched Chuck Parsons and Skip Scott win the 1968 Road America 500. He has had the car bug ever since. He has won several awards, including the Motor Press Guild’s Dean Batchelor Award and the International Motor Press Association's Gold Medal for his writing and photography. When not chasing the next story, Tom drives in vintage road racing events.
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