Heating Up: Are Harmonic Balancers Affected By Temperature?

Every engine has a target operating temperature that it has been designed to perform in, but that number doesn’t always mesh with other parts around it. A harmonic balancer has to start working as soon as an engine has started, but does it have a temperature range that will limit its ability to perform?

In this video, Nick Orefice from Fluidampr discusses harmonic balancer operating temperature ranges.

Harmonic balancers are used on an engine to make sure all of the torsional vibrations created by the rotating assembly are mitigated…basically, they keep the engine from shaking itself apart. These vibrations start as soon as the engine begins to operate, so the harmonic balancer needs to function at whatever temperature it’s at. This means a harmonic balancer must work no matter how hot or cold it is.

So, as the engine begins to warm up to its ideal operating temperature will that change how the harmonic balancer functions and will the ambient air temperature affect how it works? In the video, Orefice addresses both of the questions and explains that neither should impact how your harmonic balancer will work. The harmonic balancer will only absorb so much heat and energy from the engine, therefore, you don’t have to worry about it getting too hot. A Fluidampr is filled with silicone fluid that doesn’t experience adverse reactions to temperature changes, so it will function in extreme environments.

Make sure you watch the entire video to learn more about how a harmonic balancer will work in different conditions. You can learn more about what harmonic balancers Fluidampr offers on its website right here.


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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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