Diesel Sellerz At It Again…Trial By Fire For The Win

Diesel Dave ShootingRecently, we ran a story about the latest giveaway from Diesel Sellerz; a Skyjacker lift kit. As usual the crew over there had an enormous response to the giveaway and decided to take how they pick the winner to a whole new level. First, there was the spinning chair competition and now there’s the balloon shooting fiasco.

Balloon range diesel sellerzSo, before we launch into what happened and how it turned out, here’s what we have to say. Guys, if you are going to have a shooting contest, you need to be able to actually hit the balloons.  This means you, “The Muscle”. Here’s our thoughts, maybe you guys should invite some of your friends from a gun manufacturer to come over and make you the sharp shooters that your smack talking indicated that we should expect. Just a thought. Diesel Dave you get a pass this time since you were the sharp shooter of the group, even with a gimpy hand.

Now moving on. So, the crew (Red Beard, The Muscle, Diesel Dave) and the winner of the Razor giveaway headed out to the mountains in Utah and decided to each pick a potential winner out of a hat. Then each one of them would compete by taking a turn using a handgun to shoot at balloons on the range they set up. The one that hit the balloon with the winning goose band in it. Who ever shoots that balloon the person they are teamed with wins the lift kit. As they begun to shoot, one by one they missed by a long shot. The balloons don’t even move except for win. Finally, Diesel Dave hits one but, no dice. So they move on to round two. Red Beard hits one on the second round but no winner. The Muscle is up next and not only does he miss again, but he unloads half the clip trying to hit one and still nothing. However, we will give “The Muscle” credit for putting safety first as he was the only one that wore ear protection while the shooting was happening. Then the Razor winner takes his second turn and bam, he hits and gets the winning balloon.WInner Diesel Sellerz

So, Scott Carey from Gillette, WY is the big winner of the Skyjacker lift kit. Finally, at the end Diesel Dave acknowledges that they should go take shooting lessons and we couldn’t agree more. Guys listen to your fearless leader here!


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