Video: 5th Gen Camaro Driver Experiences Instant Karma – UPDATED

UPDATE 4/29/15 – The driver of the Camaro, 32-year-old Kiran Thapa, has been charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated and first-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Oddly, the former is a misdemeanor while the latter is a felony. According to, he is being held in jail in lieu of $2,500 cash bail, and blew a 0.19 BAC. has an interview with Tim Linton, the dashcam driver, as well.

If you have a daily commute of any length at all, on a regular basis you’ll come across people like the driver of the 5th Gen Camaro in this video. Whether they missed their alarm and got up late, or simply have no ability to cope with minor obstacles like slow traffic, they express their frustration through aggressive driving, even to the point of potentially fatal stupidity. Nobody turns the key and thinks, “I’m going to get to my destination thirty seconds faster than normal, or crash trying!” but yet it still happens.

You can probably guess how this is going to end just from this screen shot...

You can probably guess how this is going to end just from this screen shot…

In the video shown above, we get to see a whole sequence of events unfold on dashcam, on a two-lane interstate somewhere in the US. There’s sports talk playing on the radio when suddenly a Camaro appears in the right lane, shooting forward to try to get through the narrowing gap between a tanker semi in the slow lane and a ladder rack equipped pickup directly in front of the camera vehicle.

When that doesn’t pan out, rather than backing off and waiting for an opening, the Camaro tries to muscle the pickup out of the way, coming within inches of a side to side impact. Only by swerving to the shoulder does the pickup avoid the initial hit, then he pulls ahead.

'I'm gonna have to call you back - things are literally going sideways here.'

‘I’m gonna have to call you back – things are literally going sideways here.’

From there it’s game on, as the Camaro yo-yos up and back on the bumper of the pickup, which has slowed to block him in alongside another semi. This continues for a minute or so, before the Camaro driver decides he’s had enough and attempts to pass on the left hand shoulder. He might have gotten away cleanly, too, had he not decided to cut right back in front (or so he thought) of the pickup – instead, he gives himself a PIT maneuver, collects the pickup, and both vehicles get smashed by the semi off into the weeds.

Perhaps the most surreal part of the whole thing, though, is the fact that the dashcam driver answers a phone call an instant before the crash, and Mr. Jacobs gets to hear about the crash in real time.

Post updated to link to the original video – Ed.

About the author

Paul Huizenga

After some close calls on the street in his late teens and early twenties, Paul Huizenga discovered organized drag racing and never looked back, becoming a SFI-Certified tech inspector and avid bracket racer. Formerly the editor of OverRev and Race Pages magazines, Huizenga set out on his own in 2009 to become a freelance writer and editor.
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