The World’s Largest Truck? MonsterMax 2 Has Two Duramax Engines


As of just a few hours ago, your favorite or least favorite YouTuber WhistlinDiesel dropped a video that is sure to smash the trending boards for a while. “WD” has been creating content for years and over the years, his first truck has been through a few different versions on the channel. The latest version just happens to be quite possibly the biggest truck ever.

His first truck was originally coined “MonsterMax” was set up with some real “Monster Jam” style tires, a modified 6.6-liter Duramax engine, an AirDog lift pump, a built Dan’s Diesel Performance Allison transmission, and a few other upgrades. While this is all good, if you’ve seen his channel, you know there if there is a weak point in all of this, he would find it.

Even though he went 15-ton axles, it wasn’t enough. Even though he went with an aftermarket transfer case with tougher gears, it wasn’t enough. Then, when collaborating with Earl Dibbles Jr for a music video, Monster Max caught air. He found the weakest links. As you can see in the video below, this truck was nuked. It needed so much.

MonsterMax 1 was great. He earned millions of views with it but his signature ride couldn’t just die off. It was time to rebuild. Months later, the hints of a new version were starting to come out. We would get sneak peeks of parts for the truck but nothing of what it would actually look like. Just a few hours ago we could finally see.

MonsterMax 2 is equipped with the largest agricultural tires ever made. Four Goodyear Farm  LSW1400/30R46 tires made by Titan. WD wanted to go big and this is it. With a completely solid steel frame and over 1,000-pounds of welding wire involved, MonsterMax needs all the help it can get. Being partnered up with Dan’s Diesel, it was inevitable that he would use a Duramax and one of their famous “Dominator” transmissions.

Here is where things get crazy. Using a very expensive chain-driven dropbox in the middle of the chassis, allows WD to power the front and rear axle with their own engine. Not one but two 800-horsepower capable Duramax diesel engines. One engine for the front, one engine for the rear, both backed by built Dominator transmissions.

To ensure he can drive this anywhere he wants for as long as he wants, WD has four missiles that he’s turned into fuel tanks. With four 500-pound missile diesel tanks mounted, wheels and tires, and everything else it has on board, this truck weighs roughly 40,000-pounds empty.

WhistlinDiesel himself has already said in the reveal video that he isn’t planning on taking it easy with this truck.

“I am planning on beating the hell out of this thing. The second engine isn’t in yet but it is all coming together. Because someone took pictures of it before it was released, we were rushed to get this video edited and uploaded.”

Stay tuned here at Diesel Army for more diesel news. What do you think about Whistlin’s new creation? Do you think it’s the biggest truck in the world? Let us know in the comments below.

About the author

Artie Maupin

Artie Maupin is from Southeast Missouri and has an extreme passion for anything diesel. He loves drag racing of all kinds, as well as sled pulling competitions.
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