PRI 2014: Air Lift Brings Load Support Technology to New Heights

IMG_9847IMG_9848Thanks to advances in engine technology, the trucks of today are boasting some incredible tow ratings. Unfortunately these ratings don’t always transfer into real-world applications. When it comes to supporting the trailer’s load, or at least do so safely, Air Lift builds a number of different airbag systems to help you tow safely and comfortably.

Most recently Air Lift has created a “hands-off” air-spring system, and Andrew James was happy to explain about their newest product, a magnetic height sensing system. “These magnetic systems are very similar to the units found on vehicles equipped with this technology from the factory. One sensor connects to the frame and the other to your axle, and they can detect the break in plane [signaling incorrect ride height].”

The sensors also have the ability to detect when the bags are overfilled for the load. For example, should you unload your car and then move your trailer, the system will release air, restoring it to the proper ride height.

“The only way you can kill an air spring is by running it without any pressure and subsequently adding a load which causes it to bottom out,” said James. We now offer an air-spring with an internal bumper which will prevent this potential damage.”

This seems like a great idea as many of us currently using air-springs, know how easy it is to forget to air up the bags when trying to get ready to leave for your next race.

For more helpful products from Air Lift, check them out online!


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About the author

Brent Davis

Brent was born and raised in Southern California. After earning a Bachelors Degree in business marketing from California State University San Marcos, and a project management certificate from the University of California at San Diego, he decided to turn a lifelong passion for automobiles and motorsports into a career. Brent has a specific passion for diesel-powered and all-terrain vehicles that have helped him haul and recover recreational toys over the years.
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