PRI 2016: BorgWarner Expands Line Of AirWerks SX-E Turbochargers

BorgWarner‘s heavy presence in motorsports and direct support to race teams at almost every level has given them the unique advantage of knowing exactly what both professional and weekend racers need to win.

Most are familiar with the company’s professional-level dual ball bearing “Engineered For Racing” (EFR) “premium” turbochargers, but for those looking for large frame, high horsepower turbochargers that don’t need the added features of the EFR units, or just want something more budget-friendly, BorgWarner has an affordable and proven dual journal bearing option just for you.

Last year BorgWarner released the AirWerks S200SX-E and S300SX-E series turbochargers, which are essentially an upgraded version of the AirWerks SX line with improved compressor and turbine housing aerodynamics and an improved bearing structure. This year, their team has expanded the SX-E technology to include the twin scroll S400 and S500 turbocharger series and we stopped by their booth at PRI 2016 to get a closer look at these new units.

The S400SX-E is available in both a T4 and T6 frame with four different compressor wheel inducer sizes. The T6 frame is available in an 87.93 mm (88 mm) version capable of supporting 750 to 1,575 horsepower, and an 80.30 mm (80 mm) inducer for producing anywhere between 650 to 1,350 horsepower. The T4 offers a 76 mm option for pushing 550 to 1,200 horsepower and a 72 mm for 500 to 1,100 horsepower.

The T6 frame S400SX-E turbocharger with an 87.93 mm (88 mm) compressor wheel inducer, capable of supporting 750 to 1,575 horsepower.

The bigger S500SX-E is currently only offered in a T6 frame option with two compressor wheel inducer diameters. A monster 93.80 mm (94 mm) inducer for anywhere between 900 and 1,875 horsepower and an 87.93 mm (88 mm) option for producing between 900 and 1,575 horsepower.

The T4/T3 S200SX-E "7670" series turbocharger, featuring a 57.15 mm (57 mm) compressor wheel inducer and a turbine exducer of 61.43 mm that is capable of supporting 300 to 650 horsepower.

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About the author

Kyle Kitchen

Born and raised in Southern California, Kyle has been a gearhead ever since seeing his first Mitsubishi Evo VIII in 2003. He is almost entirely self taught mechanically, and as an inexperienced enthusiast always worked on his own vehicles, regardless of the difficulty, just to learn how to do it himself. Prior to becoming a freelance writer for the company, Kyle started his automotive performance career with Power Automedia as a shop technician, where he gleaned intimate knowledge of LS platforms and drag racing builds; then later joining the editorial team as the Staff Writer for EngineLabs And Turnology. Today, Kyle is an experienced EFI calibrator; hot rod builder; and motorsports technician living in the San Jose area. Kyle is a track junkie with lots of seat time. You can usually find him racing his Mitsubishi Evo X in local time attack and road race events.
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