PRI 2022: AMSOIL’s 20W-50 Diesel Oil Is Designed For Big Horsepower

Standard engine oil will struggle to properly lubricate a high-horsepower diesel engine. AMSOIL created its DOMINATOR 20W-50 Competition Diesel Oil to protect diesel engines that generate monstrous levels of horsepower.

A high-performance diesel engine needs oil that can provide additional bearing protection and help combat the extreme conditions created when you push one of these mills hard. Diesel engines are capable of generating incredible shearing forces that will challenge an oil’s ability to maintain its viscosity. The last thing you want is for your oil to lose viscosity because that will expose parts to extreme wear that could cause them to fail.

Len Groom from AMSOIL explains why the DOMINATOR 20W-50 Competition Diesel Oil was developed and how it protects high-horsepower diesel engines.

“DOMINATOR Competition 20w-50 Diesel is designed to cater to the performance diesel owners that aren’t concerned about leaving it in the engine for a long period of time like other diesel oils. When you take that piece of the oil out, it allows you to do other things like add additional wear protection, elevated levels of additive concentration, and other things to push the oil towards being for high-performance applications. The oil isn’t tailored towards keeping the emissions systems happy or worrying about the drain interval, it’s designed for max performance.”


AMSOIL added additional amounts of zinc and phosphorus anti-wear additives to its DOMINATOR 20W-50 Competition Diesel Oil. The oil’s formula also helps deal with the fuel dilution issue you see with high-horsepower diesel applications. The DOMINATOR 20W-50 Competition Diesel Oil is also packed with heavy amounts of oxidation-inhibitor additives to help extend the life of turbos.

You can learn more about AMSOIL’s DOMINATOR 20W-50 Competition Diesel Oil right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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