PRI 2024: Derale Performance’s New Powerful Brushless Cooling Fans

Derale Performance has announced its latest innovation: a new line of brushless cooling fan modules specifically designed for high-performance vehicles that demand superior cooling capabilities. These Powerpacks are extremely durable, offer high airflow, and provide more energy efficiency than traditional brushed fans.

Derale Performance New Fan

Cam Brandt, Product Manager and Sales Associate at Derale Performance, says, “They’re all IP68-rated, so they’re virtually indestructible, with 60,000 to 80,000 hours of life and very, very strong fans — up to 2,200 cubic feet per minute on the low end, and nearly 3,000 on the high end.”

Brushless Cooling Fans

The development of these brushless cooling fans comes in response to a growing demand for enhanced cooling in high-performance applications. “We don’t normally see much need where a brushed fan can’t keep up,” Brandt noted. “But there are some guys where they’re just so over the top that they need that extra push from the brushless.”

Aside from raw power, the brushless design offers many energy efficiency advantages. “They’re all pulse width modulated,” Brandt said. “So even when the fans are running, it may not be drawing the full amperage needed, but they traditionally take less power than a brush setup to operate.”

Brushless Cooling Fans

The universal shrouded units allow for easy installation in nearly any vehicle, and they are currently available as brushless fan modules. However, Derale Performance is looking to add more to its lineup.

“All universal applications right now, they’re only available in the shrouded unit, but we’re looking at offering them as drop-in option where you can build your own shroud, as long as you have enough depth, the fan will just inset into whatever shroud you’re using,” Brandt stated.

Brushless Cooling Fans

These brushless cooling fans are currently offered in six sizes, but due to further expansion, Derale Performance plans to offer various sizes for different performance vehicles. According to the company, this range already fits about 95 percent of the existing market, thus ensuring fitment coverage in most applications.

Derale Performance New Fan

The Derale Performance Powerpacks offer a clear solution for those seeking the ultimate in cooling performance and reliability.

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