PRI 2024: Paul Vasko’s Record-Setting Diesel Dragster

If you name your car “The Carbon Missile” it better be fast, right? Well, Paul Vasko’s Carbon Missile dragster backs up its name to the tune of 5.915 at 229 mph in the quarter mile. What makes those numbers even more impressive, is the fact Vasko did it with an LBZ-based diesel engine.

That five-second blast made Vasko the first person ever to run that kind of ET in a diesel-powered vehicle. The dragster itself was built by Precision Chassis Inc. and is a hardtail unit specially designed for a diesel engine. Precision Chassis really put a lot of time into Vasko’s dragster to ensure it would be optimized for the diesel engine combination.

Powering the dragster is a Wagler Competition billet 460 cubic inch LBZ-based factory replacement engine. Inside the diesel mill, you’ll find a Winberg crankshaft that rotates a set of Wagler billet aluminum connecting rods and Ross pistons. A COMP Cams camshaft works with a set of Manton pushrods, Jesel lifters, and PSI valve springs. Fueling is taken care of by a S&S Diesel Motorsport fuel system and everything is lubricated by Hot Shot’s Secrets oil. A single GT55-based 102mm diesel billet turbo stuffs enough boost into the engine to generate over 3,000 horsepower.

Behind the Wagler mill, you’ll find an M&M Transmissions Turbo 400 transmission that works with a Neal Chance custom billet torque converter. Everything is controlled by a MoTeC ECU that’s tuned by MTKB Racing and Hardway Performance.

You’ll want to check out this video on the Dragzine YouTube channel where Vasko explains what went into building this dragster and setting the world record.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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