SEMA 2016: Craftsman High Tech Tool Storage Secures Your Treasures

 1Where are your tool box keys? Have you left them at home by accident? Do you worry about your tools at the new shop? Craftsman has made a major stride in tool storage security — Bluetooth! The new Craftsman Pro Series Connected Tool Storage units not only give you peace of mind, they provide the great quality boxes mechanics have come to expect from the brand.


The new boxes include an exclusive Bluetooth Connected Smart Lock technology. They come in three combinations: a 26-in. W x 21-in. D x 24.5-in. H (chest), 26-in. W x 21-in. D x 42.5-in. H (rolling cabinet); a 41-in. W x 21-in. D x 24.5-in. H (chest) 41-in. W x 21-in. D x 42.5-in. H (rolling cabinet); and a 52-in. W x 21-in. D x 24.5-in. H (chest) 52-in. W x 21-in. D x 42.5-in. H (rolling cabinet).


By simply downloading the Craftsman iOS or Android app, the user can automatically unlock and lock the unit based on their smartphone proximity — which means no more worrying about lost and forgotten keys. The user can also give remote access to friends, family and coworkers. Further, users are able to monitor and check reports to see if the unit has suffered tampering.

They are strong too. Matt Sallee, from Waterloo Industries, the manufacturer who has made Craftsman boxes for over 70 years, said “You have a ton of room for storage. Load ratings on these units are much higher than anything we have done in the past. These are 200 pound drawers on a unit that is a fraction of the price of a tool truck unit.”

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About the author

Tom Stahler

At eight months of age, Tom Stahler sat in a baby stroller in Thunder Valley and watched Chuck Parsons and Skip Scott win the 1968 Road America 500. He has had the car bug ever since. He has won several awards, including the Motor Press Guild’s Dean Batchelor Award and the International Motor Press Association's Gold Medal for his writing and photography. When not chasing the next story, Tom drives in vintage road racing events.
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