SEMA 2016: New MSD Products Provide Spark to Your Builds


MSD and Mallory are amongst the best known names in ignition. New products and upgraded equipment continue to be chosen for builds from vintage to modern. As they say, “Digital performance at analog prices!”

The Mallory Hyfire Ignition System, a choice for classic builds, has a computer controlled rev limiter system. It has both an engine protection rev limiter and a staging control rev limiter. The rev limiters are adjustable from 1,000 to 12,000 RPM in increments of 100 RPM, while the
engine protection RPM limiter is factory set at 4,000 RPM and is adjustable.


Rob Campbell said, “Our new MSD Power Module has four high-current solid state switches that can be configured independently or in conjunction by Time, RPM and temperature switching On/Off as well as by percentage for NOS systems. Each channel is capable of handling 20 amps of current without the use of a relay. It can be used to activate a fan, fuel pump, a nitrous oxide system, throttle stop.”


MSD Super Conductor Spark Plug Wires were developed from the inside out, the 8.5 offers low resistance without interference. In a single 12 inch length of Super Conductor Wire there is only 40 – 50 ohms of resistance. MSD says “it is the lowest resistance of any helically wound wire.” The wire is wound extremely tight around a center core which has over 40 feet of conductor wrapped per foot of plug wire. The outer sleeve is a blend of silicone and synthetic material that makes a sleeve that is strong and highly resistant to heat.

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About the author

Tom Stahler

At eight months of age, Tom Stahler sat in a baby stroller in Thunder Valley and watched Chuck Parsons and Skip Scott win the 1968 Road America 500. He has had the car bug ever since. He has won several awards, including the Motor Press Guild’s Dean Batchelor Award and the International Motor Press Association's Gold Medal for his writing and photography. When not chasing the next story, Tom drives in vintage road racing events.
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