SEMA 2016: Racepak Brings Race Technology to the Street

 4 (1)Function and flair is finally available from Racepak on street builds. A fully functional dash display will add brilliance to any custom dash build — and the company has also introduced a racing heart monitor for when all this takes your breath away.

“IQ 3 Street dash was introduced last year at SEMA but has really caught on,” said Chris Vopat, Marketing Manager. “Many people have been trying to modify the IQ3 Race dash to work in a road car so we made the modifications easier.”

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An iOS or Android app, along with a bluetooth module allows mobile device access to Racepak displays.

The IQ3S displays speed and engine functions, and has standard road vehicle indicators such as fuel level, turn signals, high beam, parking brake and time of day. It can connect to Racepak’s GPS module. The IQ3S’ built-in processing is compatible, out of the box, with 20 aftermarket EFI and ECU systems and OBD-II, and is compatible with all Racepak’s data recorders.

The racing version of the IQ3 dash display and data logger has programmable shift lights, warning lights and a two axis G-meter. Road racing versions have GPS but drag racing versions do not have GPS as it is outlawed in most classes.

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The V-Net Heart Rate Sensor Module gives you the ability to monitor and record the driver’s heart rate. The armband containing the heart rate sensor is worn by the driver and connects to the Heart Rate Sensor Module via Bluetooth. “If you are launching the car and see a spike in your heart rate,” explains Vopat, “you can work on contemplation, deep breathing exercises…”

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About the author

Tom Stahler

At eight months of age, Tom Stahler sat in a baby stroller in Thunder Valley and watched Chuck Parsons and Skip Scott win the 1968 Road America 500. He has had the car bug ever since. He has won several awards, including the Motor Press Guild’s Dean Batchelor Award and the International Motor Press Association's Gold Medal for his writing and photography. When not chasing the next story, Tom drives in vintage road racing events.
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