SEMA 2021: Maradyne Blows Us Away With New Jetstreme I and II Fans

We all know how important it is to keep coolant temperatures to a minimum. While removing that excess heat out of the radiator we are also able to provide lower engine bay temperatures. However, there is always an antagonist when it comes to modifying vehicles. In this case, space constraints take that role. Thankfully companies like Maradyne High Performance Fans exist.

We used Maradyne’s M162K Champion series fan on our 1965 Mustang with great results. The M162K is a 16-inch fan that pushes 2170 CFM. This was not a bad figure considering it only pulled an 18-amp draw and utilized an older S-blade design. After installation we learned of a new fan that would be coming to SEMA.

Well, SEMA arrived and so did their new product! Product manager Jim Kahl explained, “Typically a smaller fan will produce far lower CFM, however we used the same motor from our champion series, but utilized our new sickle blade and saw tremendous results.” Kahl continued, “the Maradyne 12-inch sickle-blade fan produced 1700 CFM and only a 14.7-amp draw from the same motor found in our M162K…it’s all in the blades.”

Maradyne fan close up showcasing it's sickle blade

After being compared to its predecessor’s ability to be reversed, Kahl explained, “While the new sickle-bladed fans are not reversible, they do come with a glass-filled nylon shroud. We made these available in single or dual shrouds, depending on what size radiator you have. The fan motors are available in 130-watt, 160-watt, and in the Jetstreme II we offer them with a 225-watt motor.”

Our excitement was not let down as the new Maradyne Jetstreme I and Jetstreme II lineup lived up to the hype. The available combinations of fan motor, size and included accessories makes this an easy one stop shop! One might say, we are big fans of it!

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About the author

James Elkins

Born into a household of motorsport lovers, James learned that wrenching takes priority over broken skin and damaged nerves. Passions include fixing previous owners’ mistakes, writing, and driving.
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