SEMA 2022: LTA Introduces Injection-Molded Fiberglass Truck Cap

At SEMA 2022, Matt Blaise from LTA Manufacturing introduced us to the industry’s first-ever injection-molded fiberglass truck cap. Why is this such a big deal? Allow us to list the reasons…

SEMA 2022: LTA Introduces First Injected Molded Fiberglass Truck Cap

Truck Cap Game-Changer!

LTA Manufacturing’s 100-percent injection molded fiberglass truck top eliminates the old-fashioned method of chopping fiberglass into an open mold. This traditional style often results in a rough finish rife with exposed fiberglass strands. It also results in inconsistent thickness levels and an overall weaker product. The old “honeycomb” inner structure of cardboard can rot out easily too, as well as cause delamination down the line.

LTA’s new methodology is a primarily hand-laid approach. Then the process continues with PET foam molded to size for reinforcement. At that point, a sealed mold is assembled eliminating all ambient air prior to resin injection and curing. The result is a consistent thickness throughout, so all windows, doors, seals, etc. Everything fits perfectly and the cap sits evenly above the rail of the bed without rubbing. No more risk of condensation or internal structural degradation either!

Rated 38 percent lighter (on average) than the traditionally molded fiberglass alternative, these caps are reportedly twice as strong as the old style. Easy to clean, and now available in any pigment imaginable, this injection molded line from LTA Manufacturing is set to go on sale in 2023, and is sure to be a game-changer for the truck cap industry.

SEMA 2022: LTA Introduces First Injected Molded Fiberglass Truck Cap

Other LTA Manufacturing Gear to Consider

For those of you considering the purchase of something sooner, LTA had its Ranch Sierra fiberglass truck cap with a textured matte black finish on display. Line-X was applied inside for extra-rugged durability. The cap also featured a galvanized steel toolbox upgrade mated with a hinged side door with a rubberized seal. This was one hell of a slick-looking truck bed cap.

Easily outfitted with a Rhino Rack system, Yakima, or any other system for that matter, boxes remain optional. Side sliding windows allow ventilation in stock mounting points. The front window can also be solid or sliding in nature, or a can be had with a dropdown option allowing you to wash between the glass as needed.

SEMA 2022: LTA Introduces First Injected Molded Fiberglass Truck Cap

While a single 60-inch LED light was fitted to the ceiling of the display, the Ranch model will allow two or more lights to be installed. Separate toolbox lighting is optional.

There was also LTA Manufacturing’s LoadMaster extendable bed system on display. This 75-percent increase of an extension table has a 1,000-pound capacity limit if bolted directly to the truck. Not interested in drilling? This useful sliding add-on can also be affixed to the factory tie-downs, which delivers a full 800-pound weight capacity limit. Easy in and out operation, plus the unique ability to be transferred to another vehicle if needed make this a very handy addition to any rig that hauls anything that needs protection.

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About the author

Micah Wright

Raised on LEGOs by grandfathers who insisted on fixing everything themselves, Micah has been a petrolhead in training since age four. His favorite past times include craft beer, strong cigars, fast cars, and culinary creativity in all of its forms.
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