SEMA 2024: Splined Stub-and-Sleeve Kits from Sonnax

Sonnax 5" Aluminum Splined Stub and Sleeve Kits

Sonnax is making life easier for diesel truck owners with their new aluminum five-inch, splined stub-and-sleeve kits. Engineered to convert the troublesome two-piece driveshaft into a much more durable single-piece unit, these stub-and-sleeve kits are built to tackle one of the common issues found in heavy-duty drivelines. If you’re driving a Dodge diesel, Ford F-250, or Ford F-350, you know how frustrating that weak spot at the carrier bearing can be. These new kits are designed to get rid of that weak link and simplify your driveline with a single, strong, one-piece aluminum shaft.

Travis from Sonnax described this kit as a game-changer for truck enthusiasts who demand more from their vehicles. The aluminum splined stub-and-sleeve works seamlessly to replace those troublesome two-piece drivelines, eliminating the carrier bearing and smoothing out bad driveline angles. What does this mean for you? Enhanced durability, strength, and easier maintenance, thanks to the use of conventional U-joints.

Offered for both the 1350 and beefy 1480 U-joint series, these five-inch kits allow truck owners to select exactly what meets their needs. Sonnax is known for its reliability, so you can drive with confidence knowing your upgraded driveline is built to handle high torque and tough conditions.

The kit isn’t just about durability—it’s also about peace of mind. Heavy-duty trucks often face stress and wear at the carrier bearing, which can lead to uneven loads and compromised performance. With the Sonnax splined stub-and-sleeve kit, you’re looking at a robust, one-piece design that’s built to last, ensuring smoother rides and better torque handling during those moments when you need it most.

For those who rely on their Dodge diesel or Ford Super Duty to get the job done day after day, Sonnax’s new five-inch aluminum stub-and-sleeve kits offer a straightforward and powerful upgrade. Say goodbye to the weak points and hello to a driveline that keeps up with everything you throw at it.

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