EFILive Releases Updated Software: What Does It Mean For Your Tunes?

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So you’ve got EFILive and you just heard about the new software update—either because we are telling you about it right now or you heard about it somewhere on the interwebs. But regardless of where you heard about it, you are probably wondering what it means for you and your tune files. Well we talked to EFILive about it and it’s mostly good news because: features!

From time to time, EFILive updates their tune file formats in order to provide enhanced features to you, the customer. This, however, means that new tune files that are created with the newest version of the software are not backward compatible. In other words, tune files created by the latest iteration of the software can’t be opened by previous versions.


EFILive’s FlashScan V2 allows you to alter a tune directly from the palm of your hand without the need for a laptop. We’ve used it previously and are always amazed at just how well this handheld works.

And while that may sound ominous, it’s really not. All it means is that you need to upgrade to the latest software, open your old tunes, and simply re-save them in the newest format which just so happens to now have a .bbx file extension.

However, if you are a tuner who provides remote tuning services, it is important that your customers maintain compatibility with your chosen software version—but the best idea would be to have everyone running on the current version. You’ll want to be sure that all of your customers have updated to the latest firmware for their FlashScans–otherwise it will cause incompatibility problems between the new tunes and the firmware in the scanner/tuner. Also, another item worth noting is that as soon as you save your tune files in the new format they will no longer be compatible with previous versions of EFILive.

Update tune files

Here you can see just where to go to update all of your tune files at once if you have a large repository of them or do multiple tunes for customers.

And if it seems like it will be tedious to go through all of your tune files to update them, fear not. You can bulk update them in V8 by using the Update Tune Files feature in the Scan and Tune tool.

The biggest news of all of this may just be the new features and fixes that are coming our way in what EFILive is calling Candidate 1 Build 309. Want to learn more about the newest fixes and added features that are coming up for V8.2.4? Visit this link.

Still a little confused or want to ask EFILive some questions in person? You’re in luck! They will be hosting a one-hour seminar at this year’s PRI show. The session will be an introduction to the software, not a how-to-tune class, and will provided attendees with a working knowledge of the tools capabilities. There will also be time to ask their experts about any of your tuning woes.

To download the newest version of EFILive visit EFILive.com. Happy tuning!

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About the author

Chase Christensen

Chase Christensen hails from Salt Lake City, and grew up around high-performance GM vehicles. He took possession of his very first F-body— an ’86 Trans Am— at the age of 13 and has been wrenching ever since.
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