ARP Wheel Studs: High-Performance Upgrades For Demanding Drivers

Tired of wheel studs that can’t keep up with your driving? ARP, a company renowned for its high-performance engine fasteners, offers an impressive lineup of wheel studs designed to handle the demands of competition and street use. These studs feature a significant strength and reliability enhancement for a wide range of vehicles and driving styles.

Engineered with performance in mind, ARP wheel studs are made from 8740 chrome moly steel and heat-treated in-house to precise specifications. This yields a remarkable tensile strength of 190,000 psi, so these studs will withstand high-performance driving.

ARP Wheel Studs
The threads are rolled after heat treatment, a process that increases fatigue strength by thousands of percent. ARP also adds protective cadmium plating to all its wheel studs, and its unique bullet-nosed Speed Studs have an additional baked-on dry film lubricant. These two additional layers provide the ultimate defensive measures for long-lasting performance and reliable operation under extreme conditions. Recognizing the diverse needs of vehicle owners, ARP offers a wide selection of wheel stud options.

ARP wheel studs

Replacement press-in studs are available for over three dozen original equipment manufacturer (OEM) axles and hubs.

ARP specializes in longer wheel studs designed to accommodate aftermarket wheels. For those with aftermarket axles, ARP provides screw-in studs in various lengths, from 1.950 inches to 3.470 inches. These studs feature rounded noses for easy wheel and lug nut installation. In addition to its vast availability of replacement studs, ARP also produces drive pins for circle track racing and supplies NASCAR-spec Speed Studs. Again, this gives further testimony to the company’s concern for producing fasteners that can stand up to high-level competitive driving.

Whether you are a drag racer, an off-road advocate, or simply a driver who always wants the best, ARP wheel studs represent a genuine upgrade: increased strength, more reliability, and additional peace of mind over knowing that your wheels are staying locked tightly in place, even in the most extreme driving situations.

For an overview of ARP’s wheel stud offerings, go to or call their technical specialists toll-free at (800) 826-3045. A free, printed copy of the latest ARP catalog may also be ordered on the company’s website for ease of reference.

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