BD Diesel S400 Turbo Kits Now Available For Dodge 5.9L/6.7L

BD Diesel Turbo KitGive that Dodge truck the boost it needs with the BD Diesel S400 Turbo kits for the 5.9L and 6.7L applications. Check out the official release below.

Official Release:

Exclusive BD Diesel T4 Wastegate ready, race manifold keeps bottom end power strong with pulse technology, while still providing a Wastegate option for protecting turbocharger with higher HP use and/or NOS usage if needed. Keeps your intake temperatures low and HP high. Avoids HP robbing heat soak and elevated intake temperatures from your engine bay with BD exclusive Velocity Stack 8″ OD Air Filter. Efficient and exclusive large single piece 90-Degree outlet turbocharger gives higher CFM with lower losses compared to equivalent multi piece compressor covers. Kits comes with all supporting fasteners, hardware and piping for a seamless install.


  • Keeps bottom end power strong with pulse technology
  • Still provides a Wastegate option for protecting turbocharger with higher HP use and/or NOS usage if needed
  • Keeps intake temperatures low and HP high
  • Avoids HP-robbing heat soak and elevated intake temperatures from engine bay with BD exclusive Velocity Stack 8-inch OD Air Filter
  • Large single piece 90-degree outlet turbocharger gives higher CFM with lower losses
  • Kits come with all supporting fasteners, hardware and piping for a seamless install

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About the author

Amie Williams

Amie's love and appreciation for fine machinery began when she was a kid spending summers with her father, a pilot and skydiving instructor. Her passion for everything automotive, and especially American muscle, continued after her dad passed. It was then Amie decided to become a journalist and photographer. She currently is a freelance contributor for Power Automedia.
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