Prevent Duramax Engine Failure with ARP Rod Bolts

ARP, the high-performance fastener leader, has introduced the game-changer for GMC Duramax owners. Imagine putting your L5P turbo diesel to its absolute limit without worrying about critical engine parts failure. That’s the promise behind ARP’s new line of rod bolts engineered to withstand the extreme forces generated by modified Duramax engines.

ARP Rod Bolts for Duramax

As combustion pressures go up, the factory rod bolts are one of the weak links that can express themselves in catastrophic damage to an engine. ARP solves this problem with its new rod bolts made from a proprietary ARP2000™ steel alloy, carefully manufactured for extreme strength.

The tensile strength of this special alloy is 220,000 psi compared to the original equipment’s tensile strength. This means these bolts can withstand intensely greater stress without stretching or failing, ensuring a crucial safety margin for those extremely high-performance builds.

ARP Rod Bolts for Duramax

Manufactured with the greatest attention to detail at ARP’s Southern California facilities, this product adheres to the company’s rigid quality control standards. Each kit (P/N 230-6302) contains a 12mm 12pt socket that makes installing these bolts straightforward. But ARP doesn’t stop there—they also include lube to ensure that these are installed correctly.

ARP understands that the question of proper lubrication is very important to realize steady preload in any bolt. That is why Ultra-Torque Fastener Lubricant comes as a packet in each kit. This specially formulated lubricant has been extensively tested and proven to deliver a consistent preload, exceeding the performance of traditional options like oil, moly, and EPL.

ARP Rod Bolts for Duramax

This product launch further solidifies ARP’s commitment to the diesel performance market. Diesel enthusiasts and engine builders can also explore an extensive product line at 

Having a jobber price of $346.37, these rod bolts are a smart investment for Duramax owners who want to maximize the performance and life of their engine. ARP has filled this critical weak point for the Duramax owner so that he can confidently explore his powerful diesel engine’s capabilities.


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