Rislone DEF Treatment Prevents Crystal Deposits

Rislone has introduced a new Diesel DEF Treatment (P/N 4780) designed to clean, optimize, and maintain diesel selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems. This product helps protect SCR and diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) systems from harmful deposits that can reduce engine performance and increase fuel consumption.

The treatment is meant to be added with every fill-up of the DEF/AdBlue® tank in diesel cars, trucks, or SUVs. It prevents white crystallization deposits from forming in the system and is compatible with all UREA DEF/AdBlue fluids.

“Most over-the-road truck fleets have a handle on preventing DEF contamination and crystallization, but many individual owners of diesel-powered vehicles don’t realize they need to maintain their SCR systems,” explains Clay Parks, Rislone vice president of development.

“Those consumers are shocked when their cars or trucks start throwing codes or go into limp mode because of problems in the emissions system. Then they’re shocked again when they get the repair estimate. We spent more than a decade developing our new DEF products to help customers keep their diesel-powered cars and trucks on the road with a minimum of effort and expense.”

For vehicles showing signs of white crystal buildup, Rislone recommends treating them first with Rislone DEF Crystal Clean Diesel DEF & SCR Emissions System Cleaner (P/N 4784), then using Rislone Diesel DEF Treatment for regular maintenance.

The treatment is available in 8-ounce bottles and the recommended amounts are 2 ounces for cars and small SUVs, 4 ounces for light trucks and large SUVs, and 8 ounces for medium and heavy-duty trucks. It should not be added to diesel fuel.

Rislone’s Diesel DEF Treatment is made in the USA and is available where auto parts are sold. For more information, visit rislone.com/products/diesel-def-treatment/. Rislone is ISO 9001 certified.

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