Unmanned Semi Roaming the Roads!

1138644_2330093_799_529__KBF0033When you look up to the cab of a semi rolling down the highway you probably expect to see a weathered old trucker with millions of miles on his face.

Trusting that this veteran of the roads knows his machine, has instincts, and a brain may not always be enough to convince you of your safety when passing through a blind spot but you may come to appreciate that human contribution.

Daimler Trucks of North America has been granted approval by the state of Nevada to begin testing autonomous semis on the public highways.


Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard of Daimler, and Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval

Back in May the governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval, signed off officially and ceremonially the launch of a Freightliner that features what is effectively an autopilot system. The new truck looks like any other 18-wheeler you might pass on the road but look through the glass and you may be met with an empty cab, no one to blare the horn for kids, and no windburned face to keep up appearances of the long hauling community.

The supposed benefits to the program include improved fuel economy, reduced accident rates, environmental, and traffic impact reductions. While some benefits to the shipping company are obvious; no sleepy drivers, software generated efficiency, points for concern are far more easily identifiable.

What about the loss of trucking jobs? How can computers account for instincts in poor weather, or changing road conditions like construction?

The progress of automation is an inevitability as electronics tighten their grasp on our conveyances, communications, and lifestyles but we don’t see the role of the truck driver going anywhere without a fight for many decades.


The Freightliner still requires a driver, but a red button on the dash will engage the “autopilot”.

About the author

Trevor Anderson

Trevor Anderson comes from an eclectic background of technical and creative disciplines. His first racing love can be found in the deserts of Baja California. In 2012 he won the SCORE Baja 1000 driving solo from Ensenada to La Paz in an aircooled VW. Trevor is engaged with hands-on skill sets such as fabrication and engine building, but also the theoretical discussion of design and technology. Trevor has a private pilot's license and is pursuing an MFA in fine art - specifically researching the aesthetics of machines, high performance materials and their social importance to enthusiast culture.
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