Upgrade Time: Getting The Humvee Back To The Top

No question, when people bought the original Humvee, it was the baddest off-road vehicle around. It was military tested in the harshest conditions in the world. It could go pretty much anywhere, do pretty much anything, and the owners had bragging rights over all 4×4 vehicles.

But over the years, they have experienced some nagging wishes that maybe, just maybe, the Humvee could have more power and better suspension, because it got tired of being well used. Help is at hand! All that and more is now possible and available for Humvees which can once again be the biggest and baddest 4×4 around.

These UORVA horsepower improvement kits fit the stock 6.5-liter turbo-diesel engine and combines higher available fuel flow with cooler turbocharger air for higher power.

Ultimate Off-Road Vehicle Accessories (UORVA), a subsidiary of Maradyne Corporation, has developed a set of kits to restore and upgrade that Humvee to original specifications and better. Maradyne has been making military components and supplying Humvee racing kits to off-road enthusiasts since 1981. They are mostly bolt-ons, so enthusiasts can do the work or have it done without major mechanical expense.

They include 250 and 300 bhp engine upgrades, suspension upgrade kits, with adjustable shocks and rear sway bar, six-speed Allison transmissions with overdrive, rear sway bar kits, high flow exhausts, sound deadening kits, and more. Expect greatly improved performance. A 16klb armored version was clocked at 0-30 in 9.6 seconds, with a top end of over 70 mph. Civilian versions can expect even better.

So get those bragging rights back! Be the biggest and baddest once again. For more information on the kits be sure to check out UORVA’s website.

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