Video: 10 Diesel Cars That Roll Coal With The Baddest Smoke Blowers

Diesel-powered cars are gaining in popularity across America as automakers try to convince skeptics that the combination of better fuel economy and more torque is worth the extra money. This is of course something that fans of “rollin’ coal” have long known, and while in America that typically translates into big trucks belching out black smoke, this next video shows us that plenty of cars can haul ass without using gas.

So take a few minutes out of your day and be dazzled by ten diesel-powered contraptions that would make an environmentalist cringe.

To be fair, just nine of the ten vehicles in the above video are actually cars (a really badass Dodge pickup blowing the doors off a Camaro somehow snuck in), but most of these are high-caliber contraptions. Some we’ve already seen, like the unfortunately-named “CumStang”, a Mustang packing a Cummins motor. On the more diminutive side of the diesel equation is a Volkswagen Polo and Skoda Fabia that line up on the drag strip. There’s also “Black Smoke”, a diesel-powered drift wagon of Mercedes origin.

That isn’t the only Merc in this video either as Europeans have a long tradition of wringing lots more power from Benz oil-burners. Just behind the Mercs in popularity is Volvo, and the 1982 245 turbo diesel wagon with a massive turbo compressor jutting through the hood wins our vote as best-in-video. Most of these coal rollers have the trappings of shade-tree mechanics, whether it be because of missing headlights or the can’t-possibly-be-legal amounts of unburt diesel bellowing out of their exhaust stacks.

These are a far cry from the heavily-regulated modern diesels that are finding their way onto roads both here and abroad. But give us enthusiasts a few more years of testing and tuning, and we’ll figure out how to turn those fuel sippers into coal rollers too.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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