Video: Diesel-Powered F-100 Sleeper Truck Digs The Track

Cummins powered F-100Engine swaps are always cool, but when they involve a Cummins diesel, they are just that much better. The video you’ll see above is a Ford F-100 pickup truck, the vintage of which is not specified, but from the body style, we are placing it somewhere in the early 1960s. Now this is no show truck, obviously, but this rough and ready sweetheart can really get up and go. It digs hard into the race track when it launches, and gets some pretty good times, considering it’s an old truck with a heart transplant.

The owner has some good things going for him. The truck is equipped with half-way decent tires on the rear end for drag racing, and although we can’t see what the undercarriage looks like, the fact that truck doesn’t get all twisted up off the line or get squirrelly as it runs down the track tells us that the owner has done something right with the rearend setup. There’s no way to tell exactly what vintage the Cummins diesel that he swapped into the Ford F-100 is, but it sounds pretty healthy.

It’s a shame that the driver is not more experienced, or at least that’s our assumption, since it looks like he red lights both runs on the strip. However, you have to admit he is not doing all that bad, considering in the second pass, he nails 12.27 seconds and a top speed across the line at what appears to be 105.14. What can your truck do?

Cummins powered F-100-1

About the author

Stuart Bourdon

A passion for anything automotive (especially off-road vehicles), camping, and photography led to a life exploring the mountains and deserts of the Southwest and Baja, and a career in automotive, outdoor, and RV journalism.
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