Volkswagen Launches Website For Dieselgate Customers


The full extent and cost of the Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal, or Dieselgate as it’s being referred to by some, is still far from known. VW has reportedly put aside about $8 billion in cash to deal with the inevitable litigation and recalls, though the U.S. government alone could levy fines as high as $18 billion. More than the cash cost though, the damage to Volkswagen’s reputation with its staunchest defenders and customers is incalculable currently.

2012_volkswagen_chattanooga_3143It’s never too early to start making amends though, and Volkswagen has already launched a website aimed at informing customers affected by the diesel recall of what happens next.

The innocuously-named “” website is bland, boring, and to the point, with an explanatory-apology video from Volkswagen President of America Michael Horn. With more than 11 million vehicles affected worldwide and risking more ire from many upset customers, the video doesn’t mince words, taking the blame while trying to convince us that this investigation doesn’t represent Volkswagen’s values.

In addition to the apology video, a list of affected vehicles and a Volkswagen Customer Care hotline are listed in the site. This all relates back to the lack of the AdBlue urea injection system missing on these cars, which would have added $335 per vehicle to the cost of each diesel VW sold. In hindsight, it doesn’t look worth it now that the automaker is faced with billions of dollars in litigation and fines, though the cars are all still safe and legal to drive… for now. Volkswagen has pledged to repair the affected vehicles, but just when the inevitable recall begins, we just don’t know.

When the dust finally settles, Volkswagen will still be standing, we’re sure. But the future of its commitment to diesel vehicles is another question entirely.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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