VP Harris Announces Actions To Replace Or Repower Diesel Trucks

Someone recently sent us a form from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) explaining how they were subject to action on their diesel-powered machine. Although this isn’t your ordinary three quarter or one-ton truck at risk here, this is still concerning, in my opinion. Per the document, this is the official Truck And Bus Regulation Notice.

You’ve Been Warned

This involves anyone with a diesel-powered truck or bus with a 14,001-pound GVWR or more. As you can see, the statement is as follows:

  • “You are receiving this notice because Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) records Indicate that you may own a diesel vehicle subject to the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) On-Road Truck and Bus Regulation (Truck and Bus Regulation) with an upcoming deadline that would require you to take action on your vehicle.
  • The regulation seeks to reduce exhaust emissions from diesel trucks and
    buses with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 14,000 pounds.
  • By January 1, 2023, a vehicle (14,001 lbs. or greater GVWR) with a 2007- 2009 engine
    model year will not be compliant with the Truck and Bus Regulation and DMV
    registration will be automatically denied.

A few things to unpack here. This is only one of I’m assuming thousands of trucks that will be affected by this. In an attempt to reduce emissions, this oh-so-important regulation will force you to make serious changes to your trucks to comply. 14,000-pounds or more with engines from 2007-2009 cannot obtain licenses from the DMV.

Sure, there may not be a TON of trucks or buses with this specific engine model year but what concerns me is what is to follow. Who is the next target? Will the next target be a year range that includes you or your family’s trucks? Trucking businesses or farm trucks are what I’m concerned about. Why, though? Well, here are your options when this notice comes to your mailbox.

What Do You Have To Do?

1. Replace or repower the vehicle(s) by January 1, 2023. — Yes, you read that correctly. You will have to either replace or repower the vehicle. I wonder if they will help pay for this sort of thing.

2. Qualify for a flexibility option and report into CARB’s regulatory reporting system (TRUCRS) available at www.arb.ca.gov/truckstop. — Assuming you qualify, you’ll have to constantly report to them every day your drive, I’m sure.
3. Submit proof to CARB that the vehicle is exempt from the regulation or does in fact have an
engine model year of 2010 or newer. Vehicles with a 2010 engine model year may be compliant.— I wonder how many people will find a way around this.

Because I saw this, I wanted to dig in a little more and see what I could find. Turns out, Vice President Kamala Harris is really making a push to create “cleaner air, healthier neighborhoods, and better transportation”. A few quotes from the White House statement below:

  • When fully implemented, this rule will save roughly 2,000 lives annually, eliminate 18,000 cases of childhood asthma, and lead to 1.1 million fewer missed days of school.
  • Through the American Rescue Plan, $7 million is being awarded to replace old diesel school buses in underserved communities with new, zero-emission electric buses. In addition, $10 million is being awarded to replace old diesel school buses with new cleaner buses through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) School Bus Rebate Program.
  • Healthy School Kids: 18,000 fewer cases of childhood asthma and 1.1 million fewer missed days of school each year

If you want to read the full document, you can see it here.

This is simply a quick-hit news/opinion piece I wanted to do, but I’m curious what you think. Sure, this is concerning, but I’m wondering if this is the start of something more. For more industry news, stay tuned here at Diesel Army.

About the author

Artie Maupin

Artie Maupin is from Southeast Missouri and has an extreme passion for anything diesel. He loves drag racing of all kinds, as well as sled pulling competitions.
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