Westen Champlin Stuffed A Cummins Engine Into A New Ford Mustang!

Once again, these YouTube stars are going all in on the wildest ideas. 2020 was full of crazy content and 2021 is off to a good start. Diesel YouTuber Westen Chaplin is kicking his campaign off early with the resurrection of a late-model Ford Mustang. According to Chaplin, in the comment section of one of his prior videos, people were mentioning he should diesel-swap a Ford Mustang.

At the time, it probably just seemed like a funny joke. Now, after hours and hours of labor and countless dollars spent, Chaplin has a 12-valve Cummins-powered Ford Mustang coined “Smoke Stang”. In this latest video, he drops it off at a local place to have the paint redone after reconfiguring the hood to fit the plumbing for this #2-drinking machine.

I have to say, the car looks absolutely beautiful. If you ignored the hood stack hanging out of the hood, it simply looks like one hell of a hot rod. Then, once the engine is fired, its pretty clear that this is not a 5.0 Coyote engine. Instead, its a worn 12-valve chugging and puffing. As cool as it is, I don’t see this as a factory option anytime soon.

Chaplin has had to upgrade the entire front suspension with air-ride so the front of the car can support the weight of this engine. After all, he’s at least 1,000-pounds heavier on the nose just from the engine swap. I’d like to know what the car weighs now completely swapped and done.

For more information about the “Smoke Stang”, be sure and check out Westen Chaplin’s YouTube channel here. For more diesel news, part installs, and event coverage, stay tuned right here to Diesel Army. What are your thoughts on this car? Let us know in the comments below.

About the author

Artie Maupin

Artie Maupin is from Southeast Missouri and has an extreme passion for anything diesel. He loves drag racing of all kinds, as well as sled pulling competitions.
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