See-Through Oil Pan Reveals A Hidden Problem With Duramax Engines

Imagine draining the oil from your Duramax truck, only to discover that nearly a quart of dirty oil remains trapped inside. That’s exactly what Banks engineers uncovered using a custom-made see-through replica of the stock oil pan. This innovative test revealed a critical flaw in the Duramax 6.6-liter engine’s stock oil pan design, and the results are as eye-opening as they are concerning.

The issue stems from the stock pan’s weld nut, which protrudes into the sump to secure the drain plug. This design prevents the oil from fully draining, leaving behind a pool of contaminated oil. Even worse, the pickup tube sits submerged in this dirty oil, trapping additional debris-laden fluid. During every oil change, this leftover oil mixes with the fresh fill, circulating metal debris, soot, and oxidized particles throughout the engine.

see-through oil pan

Banks engineers verified this problem using a clear plastic oil pan that was 3D-scanned and molded to replicate the stock design. They filled the engine with fresh oil, ran it, and drained it while observing the process in real-time. The results confirmed their suspicions: despite the draining process, significant amounts of dirty oil remained trapped in the pan and pickup tube. This isn’t an uncommon issue for GM either, as the C5 Corvette requires a slightly nose-down attitude to get all of the oil out of the pan during oil changes. 

The implications for engine health are serious. Trapped oil accelerates wear on cylinder linings, bearings, and other critical components. This leftover oil isn’t essential for priming the system—modern engines rely on residual oil applied during assembly for protection before startup.

In both of these images you'll see the OEM pan on the left, and the CoolRunner on the right. Besides a relocated drain to make sure all of the oil gets out of the pan during an oil change, the internal vanes are rotated so as to not trap debris in the pan when draining, and have much larger fins to increase heat dissipation.

To solve this, Banks created the CoolRunner oil pan. With its magnetic drain plug located at the lowest point, it ensures that every drop of oil, including the oil in the pickup tube, is completely drained. This innovation eliminates contamination, delivering cleaner oil and better protection for your engine.

By revealing the hidden problem with the see-through oil pan, Banks has not only raised awareness but also provided a game-changing solution with the CoolRunner.

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