VIDEO: Power Stroke Vs. Cummins, Who Wins?!

With all that torque burning a hole in your ego, it’s hard not to want to prove who has the largest “cojones” in the land when you meet a fellow diesel 4×4 enthusiast. You could prove it with just a simple two-out-of-three arm wrestling match, but where’s the fun in that? You have to get the truck involved somehow.

Tug o’ War is the obvious solution to this issue, but just like giving yourself a haircut, that old phrase holds true: “Results may vary.” In this video, the two contestants are Bearded Man in his Ford 6.0L Power Stroke F-250, and Young Buck in his Ram 5.9L Cummins 2500. Both parties have their four-wheel-drive truck ready to rock, and the stage is set for a good time–or is it?

The F-250 skitters forward across the pathway as the 2500 lags behind.

First round: with turbos at full blast, the Ford and Ram go at it with everything they have. The F-250 immediately begins to wheel hop as smoke emerges from the tail end of the 2500, indicating that the Cummins has the upper hand. Sure enough, things start to go south for the Blue Oval as it goes into manic wheel-hopping, and it begins to move backward.

Bearded Man lets off the pedal to regain his traction and punches it again, and it appears that the initiative has been lost as the wheel-hopping resumes once more. Regardless, he manages to move forward, dragging his competitor kicking and screaming, and the Power Stroke takes the win. Notice the massive cloud kicked up by the Ram in the background.

Second round: the angle is now turned to face the 2500 in the foreground. The two look to be at a standstill for a few short seconds, and then the inevitable happens–THUNK! Someone breaks a U-joint. The cameraman zooms and sure enough, it’s the 2500, with its front driveshaft flailing helplessly underneath.

Sparks fly as the the Ram's front driveshaft breaks, leaving it spinning in the air.

By default, the Ford is declared the winner of this match. Let’s hope Young Buck learned his lesson and upgrades his driveline before he tries this stunt again. What do you think? Was the Ford a lucky son of a gun? Or was the Ram outclassed from the get-go? Give us a shout out in the Comments section below.

About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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