Covercraft Offers Durable Protection With Carhartt Work Truck Cover


If you want to keep something looking good it needs protection, and to be durable to stand up to whatever comes its way. Covercraft teamed up with Carhartt to create a truck cover that would protect similar to the clothing they produce.

The Carhartt Work Truck Cover brings classic styling and modern protection to the job site or driveway. The cover has the Carhartt logo on both sides as well as the tailgate area and features Rain Defender technology. This provides rain dispersion while maintaining optimum breathability.


For owners that store a vehicle indoor or outdoor, the cover will work in both areas. It provides outdoor protection against the elements including UV and protects against dust while in a garage or shop.

The cover is available in Carhartt brown or Carhartt gravel and all covers use Carhartt's signature overlapped triple-needle stitching on stress seams

Carhartt’s signature overlapped triple-needle stitching on stress seams made its way to the cover to match the clothing products they produce. The cover is available in Carhart brown and gravel and is made specifically for trucks or SUV. The custom-pattern will ensure a better fit and goes away from one-size-fits-all.

For more information on the truck cover and to see if there is a cover for your vehicle be sure to check out Covercraft’s website.

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About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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