Got A Truck? Bungii Lets You Put It To Good Use

Crowdfunding is all the rage these days, whether it’s getting new ideas off the ground or keeping hopelessly out-of-touch businesses from losing, well, business. One fundraising effort on Indiegogo has the potential to be very successful, as well as show the world that truck owners are willing to help non-truck owners move their stuff around – they just have to be properly motivated.

The Corolla and the couch...a dilemma indeed.

The Corolla and the couch…a dilemma indeed.

Started by Ben Jackson and his aptly-named compadre, Harrison Proffitt, the idea is for a mobile app called Bungii. The premise is simple: take those folks who don’t have pickups and give them on-call, personal access to those that do have pickups. Moving out of mom and dad’s house, transferring to another apartment, or just needing something hauled to the landfill; use the Bungii app and a truck is there faster than you can say “Down payment.”

It seems like such a simple premise for an app that it’s a wonder others haven’t thought of it before (are you reading this, Uber and Lyft?). We could almost see this app taking off and giving manufacturers a chance to showcase new models to the unsuspecting public. For example, Ford would hand keys for its shiny new 2017 F-250 to one lucky Bungii driver and tell them, “Go! Go and help the peasants.” It would give not just drivers, but also the passengers a first-hand look at how the trucks of the 2010s have evolved from years past in terms of comfort, ease of use, and capability.

Along comes the truck owner, buying choices validated and dignity intact.

Along comes the truck owner, his vehicle ready, willing, and able.

But that’s an outreach program for another time. Speaking of which, the campaign is ending at the stroke of midnight, December 31st, 2015, with only $1,176 of its $10,000 goal fulfilled. Is this a concept you’d like to see through? Or can it be done better by the “big guys” already out there? Heck, does anyone even want to loan out their truck to the random urban riffraff these days? Let us know in the comments below.


About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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