Video: Anthony Reams’ Dodge Steamrolls Deep Into the 9-Second Zone


Some racers have race gas that flows in their veins, but there’s a diehard group out there that has diesel pumping through their body. Anthony Reams falls into the latter group, and he has been making silly power with diesel-powered machines for some time. His 1995 Dodge Ram recently fired a booming low nine-second warning shot to the other competitors in the Super Street class of the NHRDA (National Hot Rod Diesel Association), and he’s not done yet.

Reams has been into anything that has an engine his entire life. He started out racing quads in his younger years, then stepped into the diesel pulling world. Eventually, his need for speed drew him to the 1/4-mile, and drag racing his truck.

XDP 1This isn’t your average Dodge by any stretch, as Reams has worked on improving his combination for 2016 to dominate in the NHRDA. This year, the truck is running a fresh Fleece Performance Engineering 6.4 liter Cummins common rail engine, and Done Right Diesel is helping with this new setup.

The truck also now has S&S Injectors and BD Fuel Pumps to flow all the fuel in his Dodge. A compound turbo setup featuring two 75mm and one 91mm Borg Warner turbos make the boost that pushes this truck well over the 1,300 horsepower mark.

All of the upgrades paid off in a big way with a 9.14-second pass at over 153 mph in a 6,000 pound truck with a stock-style suspension, per class rules. And it looks (and sounds) like it’s going a whole lot quicker than that. This run would have been a new class record on both ends, shattering the current numbers of 9.25 at 152 mph, but Reams was unable to back up the 9.14 elapsed time on his next run.XDP 3

Check out the footage from Urban Hillbilly Videos to see this Dodge flat our fly down the track!

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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