VW US Dealerships Going After VW In Lawsuit In Midst Of Dieselgate


Volkswagen (VW) has been taking plenty of hits in the aftermath of Dieselgate, but this time it is more than just the owners of the vehicles who are upset with the company. VW now has a new potential threat with its own US dealerships.


VW America dealerships are fighting back and taking action against VW with a class action lawsuit.

This class action lawsuit that is ready to be filed is due to the damage the dealers have sustained during the controversy. US dealers are facing more heat then just being a VW dealership. Consumers are leery of going to a VW dealership because of everything that has happened.

The name, brand, and dealerships have been tainted because of this scandal. Attorney Leonard Bellavia of Mineola, New York, told Autonews “a complaint is already drafted and just waiting on my desk.” Dealerships are tired of not getting the right compensation for damage that has been done.


Dieselgate has been tough for more than just VW. Each individual dealership is suffering because of it.

“My goal is that VW and the dealers can reach a settlement on amicable terms without the added distraction of litigation,” Bellavia said. Nothing with the lawsuit will happen until next week as VW executives will be holding a meeting with dealers at the NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) convention in Las Vegas, Nevada this Saturday.

VW should have seen this coming as the dealers have held out long enough. It is time for the brand to make this right and not let the individual dealers suffer because of something they screwed up. Are you surprised dealers are fight back and taking legal action? Tell us in the comments below!

About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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