Mini-Feature: An F-350 Built For Show And The Troops


For some people, creating a memorial can mean a wide range of things, but for The Paint Shop in Alvarado, Texas, it was about creating something more than that. The guys at The Paint Shop took a 2014 Ford F-350 Platinum and turned it into an armed forces tribute vehicle.

The truck was unveiled only a couple months ago at the Autorama in Dallas.

The truck rolled into the shop and in just three and a half months it was complete. Everything done to the truck was done in-house before the truck made its debut at the Autorama in Dallas, Texas.

The truck caught plenty of attention, but these two fought for our freedom and were all smiles about the truck.

The front of the vehicle is the first thing that most people notice. To make sure that this truck stood out among the rest the team went with Anzo‘s Super Duty projector headlights with the u-bar (PN 111292). “Once we installed the headlights and people came by the shop to see the truck we immediately had interest,” Joe Ayala of The Paint Shop said. “The lights completely changed the look of this truck and the other vehicles we have installed them on.”


If the front of this truck does not make you Fear The Wrath, we do not know what will.

In addition to the headlights, the truck has a one-off, custom grille with The Wrath front and center. Seeing the grille it makes sense that the Instagram handle for the truck is Fear The Wrath.


The truck not only represents the shop that built it, but it is something that the military can be proud of.

To give the F-350 a stance that is worthy of a military tribute vehicle the team went with a Fabtech lift with 10-inch coilovers. To give the truck an even more aggressive look they added American Force Delta SF8 22×14 wheels and 40-inch Toyo Open Country M/Ts. “The American Force wheels set the truck off,” Joe continued. “With the wheels, you can see the high quality that goes into each set.”

In addition to the Delta SF8 wheels, the lug nuts got a special touch as well. The were painted to resemble bullets.

Picking favorites is not always easy as Joe explained, “I am in awe of the whole truck. There are a lot of details and it is hard to single one particular part out as my favorite, but if I had to pick something I would have to say the artwork on the truck.”

Joe Ayala's favorite part and one feature that truly sets this truck apart is the artwork, no detail was left out.

The F-350 is headed out to the Unlimited Off Road show and expo this weekend (March 11th and 12th) at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. If you are headed to the show be sure to check out the truck in person.

For more information on Anzo and American Force Wheels products be sure to check out their websites.

The Wrath003

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About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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